Health News Launches Health Awareness Campaign


We show you the most important news in the following article:
The Ministry of Health and Community Protection has launched an awareness campaign on the need for early detection of hepatitis, in conjunction with today, the World Health Organization. Health (WHO) announced the launch of the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Campaign against Hepatitis, entitled "Check … Hepatitis C", aimed at raising awareness among citizens and residents at risk of hepatitis A, B, free medical exams and awareness materials on methods of transmission and methods of prevention

The campaign includes the establishment of early examination centers, a Awareness platform and a multi-level information campaign, including the media campaign in newspapers and social media at the level of hospitals, health centers, ministries and shopping centers of the country. , And moved to Dubai Festival City on Monday, and was the third day at the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority, and concluded the campaign Thursday in South Dubai.

Finally, we thank the visitors and fans of the East Times website, and we promise to provide you with all that is new and important from all reliable sources of information. (Emirates Health News launches an awareness campaign on hepatitis C). The truth of the news or not.
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