Here are the causes of high cholesterol in the blood. The most important weight gain!


The problem of high cholesterol is an important health problem to consider because cholesterol is a key substance that contributes to the formation of cell membranes

Cholesterol is a lipid substance that helps metabolism or metabolism. The fat is composed of several cells, the most important of which are liver cells, which make all the cholesterol needed by the body and push it towards the blood to move to other cells.

Cholesterol can also come from food. Cholesterol, good and harmful, flutter The level of cholesterol in the blood can cause the formation of deposits in the blood vessels and make them stronger, which leads to heart failure to pump blood.

These deposits can also break in small blood clots up to a small artery Vtsdh, If the artery was in the heart, this blockage leads to angina, but the blockage of the Cerebral artery causes a stroke.

Causes of High Cholesterolemia

Life and Membership Can Cause Hypercholesterolaemia :

[19459] The quality of the food we eat is particularly high in saturated fat, which is the leading cause of heart disease.

Weight gain. Symptoms of hypercholesterolemia

The hypercholesterolemia may cause symptoms of health What follows : The occurrence of atherosclerosis and arterial disease

Stroke due to blockage of a cerebral artery and cerebral ischemia

Endotracheal diseases due to narrowing of peripheral arteries, particularly legs and feet.

Diabetes is caused by high blood sugar that causes high cholesterol levels.

Sexual impotence in men

Tips for the prevention of hypercholesterolemia

Follow a healthy lifestyle and eat vegetables, fruits, legumes, grains and fiber-rich foods in particular.

Exercise regularly to ensure the survival of the active blood circulation that leads to burn fat and improve blood health.

Reduce or avoid animal fats that lead to high cholesterol and replace them with vegetable fats. Stop smoking.

Avoids tension and avoids psychological stress.

Lose weight and maintain ideal weight and health.

– The periodic examination to determine the level of cholesterol in the blood, especially in the case of family members suffer from high cholesterol.

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