Here is my dear .. How to distinguish between the weakness of memory and "Alzheimer"!


Here is my dear .. How to distinguish between the weakness of memory and "Alzheimer"! The Al-Hawar newspaper quoted Fuchia, we stare you dear .. How to distinguish between the weakness of memory and "Alzheimer!", Here is my dear .. How to distinguish between the weakness of memory and "Alzheimer"!

Al-Haywar Journal You should not say, even jokingly, "I have Alzheimer's disease," whenever you can tell the truth. I have forgotten where you put your cellphone for example .. This oversight is normal, and has nothing to do with "dementia".

It has been scientifically proven that memory capacity changes with age, and memory loss has its causes which must be known not to confuse the weakness of normal memory with that of Alzheimer's. .

The difference between natural aging and Alzheimer's disease

As we get older, the brain weakens, we can see a slowing down of the thought and movement, but the intelligence is not affected. Neurons in the brain are damaged, leading to aggravating memory changes.

Changes in memory resulting from aging are related to the names of people or places, but changes in Alzheimer's disease affect the ability to work, social life and hobbies.

We offer you my dear information that will help you determine the difference between natural aging or the development of Alzheimer's disease. When should you see your doctor?

Loss of memory that affects daily life

The most common signs of Alzheimer's disease, forgetting the information recently learned, repeating the same question and counting a lot on family members. We will do it until recently.

If you forget something and you remember it after a while, it's a proof of aging, as long as the memory problem does not affect normal performance or disrupt your life there is no reason to worry.

Difficulty in Planning and Concentration

Alzheimer's patients' ability to plan, to find difficult tasks, to follow clear guidelines, to concentrate and to take time to do things Simple. But if a person is struggling to cope with a smartphone or computer, they are signs of aging.

Confusion about time and place

The Alzheimer's victim can completely forget the story of today , where is it? And how he got to this place, but forget every day of the week we, and then remember, these signs of aging, too, and perhaps because of the lack of weekly routine, especially after the retirement.

Difficulties in using words

People with Alzheimer's have difficulty speaking, using vocabulary and finding the name exact things and people around them. They may not recognize themselves by looking in the mirror.

Changes in temperament and personality

Alzheimer's disease makes people unable to make decisions or make irrational decisions, they can become confused … Depressed, Anxious, Two Meetings It is easy to be depressed when they find themselves outside of the ocean to which they are accustomed.

Finally, the distinction between natural aging and Alzheimer's disease can sometimes be difficult, so consult your doctor for proper screening, access to appropriate treatment and do not rush to judge the situation

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Source: Fuchia

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