How does our appetite for food change from one age to the next?


  Young man eating a quick meal

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We all need food, but Changes in our eating habits, appetite and vision of food in different stages of life can have a significant impact on our health.

Do you live to eat or eat to live?

Food is linked to a complex relationship ruled by the costs and abundance of food, even the influence of friends, but the common denominator is the appetite – the desire to eat .

Eat it, but hunger is not the only factor that drives us to eat.

Recent research has concluded that the multitude of external stimuli in the environment that drives us to eat, such as aromatherapy, advertising, and sounds, is one of the leading causes of overeating. 19659011] Five Ways to Improve Your Ability to Concentrate

  • Alcoholic Beverages Are 'More Dangerous' for Women's Health
  • But Our Appetite for Food Changes at Different Stages of Our Life childhood in adulthood. Shakespeare mentioned the seven stations in human life: he says in the play "As You Desire" that the man goes through seven stages, until he reaches the age, and then loses his teeth, his sight, his taste and everything.

    The First Decade : From Birth to Age of Ten

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    Abandoning some food species in adulthood can lead to eating disorders in adulthood

    In early childhood, the body grows rapidly and the child acquires nutritional habits that can persist until adulthood, so that if the child persists in bad eating habits, he will become obese at an advanced age.

    Some children do not like or fear food, which increases the suffering of parents every time the family gets together to eat. Parents are advised to repeat these foods to children and encourage them to taste them in an supportive environment to help children recognize foods they do not know, even if they are important to their health. (19659007). Forcing children to "finish their dishes" makes them unable to recognize signs of hunger and satiety and encourages them to overeat.

    Voices have recently called on governments to protect young people from ads not only on television, social media and video blogs. Food advertising encourages children to consume more food, which can lead to an increase in the rate of obesity in children.

    Second decade : From 10 to 20 years

    The teenage years, height and appetite increase the onset of puberty. But eating habits at this critical stage will shape the lifestyle of the teenager in his later years.

    This means that the nutritional choices of adolescents are closely related to the health of future generations who will become their children.

    Young women, by their biological nature, are more likely than boys to be undernourished, and teenage pregnancies can put girls at risk. Because their bodies need enough nutrients to support their growth and fetal development simultaneously.

    Third decade : From 20 to 30 years

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    The stress that we experience in the 1920s and 1930s increases the likelihood of weight gain

    Among young people, lifestyles change because of factors such as university attendance, marriage or attachment to a friend. Reproducing and educating children make the "lifestyles". overweight

    If fat accumulates in the body, it will be difficult to get rid of it. The body sends strong signals to the brain if the energy intake is less than the body needs to feed us, but the signals of hunger can overshadow the signs of satiety, which leads us to overeat.

    Many psychological and physiological factors

    Researchers have recently looked at feeling full and using it to lose weight because hunger is the main obstacle to trying to eat less than the needs of the body.

    The signals sent by each type of food For the brain, fats, for example, are not sending signals to the brain to prevent us from eating, so that you can eat a full packet of ice cream without feeling full. On the other hand, foods rich in protein, water or fiber will last longer.

    New food production projects have been developed to increase satiety and contribute to a breakthrough in the manufacture of fast food and light. The Fourth Decade : From 30 to 40 Years Old

    When we enter the world of work, we face many obstacles and challenges to losing weight, by example stress. A study of 450 employees in three different sectors found that psychological stress affected the appetite and dietary habits of 80% of participants, half of whom consumed food and the other half wanted to eat. eat.

    Still looking. Researchers have not yet understood the causes of food addiction, that is capitulation to the irresistible desire to eat a particular type of food, which often contains a lot of calories, while many researchers deny the existence of this phenomenon.

    As the pursuit of perfection and dedication to work, increase the impact of psychological stress on dietary habits.

    It can be difficult to design healthy work environments that favor obese diets, such as excessive snacks or vending machines. Employers can, in turn, encourage employees to consume healthy foods and pay a portion of their cost, in order to increase worker productivity and improve their health, and to seek appropriate solutions to reduce stress. : From the age of 40 to 50 years

    It is often said that a man is subject to his habits, that is to say that He adheres to his choices and does not abandon them even if he thinks they are harming him.

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    In the autumn of life, psychological stress can lead to dependence on high-calorie foods. High thermal

    There is a lot of evidence to prove the risks of obesity for health. The World Health Organization (WHO) said that smoking, unhealthy eating, physical inactivity and alcohol abuse increase the risk of illness and death .

    Adults should change their eating behavior to maintain their health between the 1940s and 1950s. The symptoms of most noncommunicable diseases, such as high blood pressure or cholesterol, are unclear, although that many do not realize that they are infected with these diseases until it is too late

    The 6th decade : At 60

    After the age of 50, the first signs of a normal muscular dystrophy associated with aging, the loss of muscle mass in the body gradually begins at 0.5 to 1% per year . The lack of physical activity and low protein intake and menopause in women speed up the process of muscular dystrophy.

    At this stage, it is recommended to maintain a healthy and varied diet and maintain physical activity as they help reduce the effects of aging. However, despite the growing number of older people in societies, there are few foods that meet the needs of older people.

    Older people need protein-rich, but affordable and low-protein foods. (1965907) Image caption

    The importance of adequate nutrition increases

    By maintaining health with age

    With the increase in life expectancy, the greatest concern of researchers is how to maintain the quality of life of members of society, otherwise we will become an infertile society, the most vulnerable or seniors who need care.

    Which leads to debility and weight loss, so it becomes more important to obtain adequate amounts of nutrients in old age. Anorexia can be symptomatic of a disease, such as Alzheimer's disease.

    The death of a life partner, lack of family or eating without companionship can also affect the appetite for lack of pleasure to eat.

    Food is not just a fuel that provides us with energy, but it's a social and cultural experience that we should enjoy at different stages of our lives

    . We view food as an opportunity to savor it and enjoy the positive effects of healthy nutrition on our health.

    You can read the original article on BBC Future

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