How the blue light of electronics causes sleep disorders


All light colors do not have the same effect on health: the blue wavelengths that are useful during the day, because they promote attention, can cause nocturnal disturbances.

This type of light wave can be obtained naturally by the body without damage by sunlight, it helps us to stay alert and improve performance and mood.

But with the electronics growing around us across the screens, energy-saving lighting can affect the hours of sleep

Some studies suggest that there is a link between exposure to light at night and certain diseases, such as night work, to cause certain cancers, diabetes, heart disease and obesity but nothing proves that night exposure is necessarily at the origin of these diseases.

Exposure to blue light inhibits the release of melatonin, a hormone that affects the human heart rhythm. There is preliminary empirical evidence that a low melatonin level may be associated with cancer.

Ways to block blue light

There are several ways to reduce exposure to blue at night:

A common way of installing a program called F.lux on your computer automatically adjusts the brightness.

Turn off all the lights in your house two and a half hours before bedtime.

Use a red or orange reading lamp especially at night to avoid the blue light of the lamps.

Darken your room or use the sleep mask.

It is important to expose yourself to abundant blue light during the day, because of the natural sunlight.

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