How to avoid the difficulty of dieting in winter


How to avoid the difficulty of dieting work in winter, a thorny and tired subject of those who are afraid of losing weight in winter and who fail, because the cold and the lack of movement push people to eat more to warm the body and have fun at home. To overcome this difficulty and achieve the dream of fitness always, especially in winter, must adhere to …

How to avoid the difficulty of dieting work in winter, a thorny and tired subject of those who are afraid of losing weight in winter and who fail, because the cold and the lack of movement push people to eat more to warm the body and have fun at home.

To overcome this difficulty and achieve the dream of fitness always, especially in winter, you must follow some tips and tricks that help lose weight and lose weight during the cold season, here is a preview of these tips.

How to avoid the difficulty of dieting in winter

It is important to consult a specialist before starting a diet or diet to make sure that it matches the person's condition. It should also be noted that the bodies differ and that the rate of weight loss may vary from one person to the other if the plan is followed, especially in case of exercise.

The advice to avoid the difficulty of dieting in winter is as follows:

• eat fish:

Fish is one of the best food sources that it is recommended to eat at all times, whether it is to stay healthy or to lose weight.The fish is low in calories and contains omega-3 fatty acids , making it a food that helps to lose weight naturally and successfully.

It is recommended to eat grilled fillets rather than fried and choose between salmon, tuna and mackerel.

• Avoid sugars and saturated fats:

It's one of the most harmful food sources and contributes to the inability to lose weight. Sugars and saturated fats increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Nutrition experts and doctors are advised to stay away from saturated sugars and fats and replace them with unsaturated fats and low calorie sweeteners or natural sweeteners such as honey.

• self-motivation:

Nothing prevents us from losing weight more than frustration, abandonment and loss of desire to diet, no matter what, then motivate yourself and encourage them to continue their diet whatever be the temptations, and reward you when you finish your diet and you lose a few pounds by spending a day at the station.

Sharing your friends and family with your diary while playing sports together or eating healthy will help you move your diet forward without hesitation.

• Do not rush:

Many of us dream of losing weight after several days of dieting, it is impossible, because losing weight just and ideal requires a little time, so do not rush and dream of losing weight quickly and do not find quick and slimming medications that prepare you to lose weight fast. With complications and unwanted side effects.

It is always best to follow a diet prescribed by the doctor according to your needs, the shape of your body, the percentage of burns and other useful factors.

• snacks:

Make sure you do not starve for any reason and eat healthy snacks that will help you endure hunger during the day.

Choose snacks not exceeding 300 calories and you can eat a fruit or some raw nuts or a chickpea with chopped vegetables.

• Follow the food pyramid:

In order for breakfast to be integrated and good and so is it for lunch, it is best that dinner a few calories and calories prevents the storage of fats and calories in the body at night because it burns the energy better during the day.

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