How to get rid of annoying notices # Watts_Ab


Dubai: The user often wonders how to get out of the awkward groups of WattsApp without informing other members, but in fact, this can not be done, but there is another way to keep the newsgroup secret, without the members leaving him. Discussion group.

This is the way to ignore or disable IM group notifications for a while, even if other members' messages continue to reach the user's phone, but they do not. 39, attract more attention due to the absence of sound signal or alert by vibration.

To do this, mobile device owners with Google Android can click on the relevant newsgroup, then select the "Disable notifications" item, and select a notification opt-out period, such as & ### 39, a year, a week or eight hours. Show notifications "to completely remove the discomfort caused by the newsgroup and not display notifications about new messages on the notification screen.

For owners of Apple smartphones, iPhone or iPad tablets, they can disable notifications in the same way by opening groups, clicking on the relevant newsgroup, then selecting the mute item and finally selecting when notifications must be silent.

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