How to lose weight in the summer


Friday, 20.07.2016 – 16:38

Many women suffer during the summer to gain weight because of the temptations of summer ice cream and others. However, with a balanced diet and some tips to change your daily lifestyle, you can lose weight during the summer and regain your weight and body.

Here's How to Lose Weight in the Summer:

  • Minimize Invitations and Eat Out In the summer, to avoid being fat, prepare food at home in a healthy way.
  • Exercise or exercise of any activity and movement such as walking in natural places and outdoors during good weather to burn excess calories.
  • Drink plenty of water to help your body lose weight faster and keep your body moist and healthy your digestive system and curb your appetite.
  • Eat fruits and vegetables as a salad with all the daily meals, especially the most famous in summer, such as cucumber, lettuce, apples, melons, berries, lemons and peaches. In addition to its delicious taste, these foods are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants and low calorie.
  • Be sure to sleep enough for hours to reduce the secretion of the hormone hunger and reduce appetite.
  • Slow down your diet so that your brain can receive signs of satiety and persuade you to stop eating.
  • Keep snacks like nuts so you do not have to eat candy or ice cream when you're hungry.
  • Regularly eat three meals in balanced and moderate amounts and replace high-fat and low-fat foods with low fat and healthy alternatives.
  • Stay away from soft drinks without sugar or diet because they contain sugars and preservatives.


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