How to protect yourself from gout? | DW Science and Technology


A report from the British Medical Journal of the United Kingdom released a set of tips to prevent gout, which affects some people as a result of excessive consumption of certain foods. The report also explains ways to treat the disease in case of infection and discusses the relationship between lifestyle and diet and the symptoms of gout.

Dr. Alan Gilber of the Department of Rheumatology of Johns Hopkins University said: The leading cause of meningitis in the 30s and 40s. "Women also suffer from gout, contrary to what many believe According to Gilber in US News, "The incidence of gout increases not only with age, but also increases significantly in postmenopausal women," says Gilber. Kidney health is more likely to have gout.

Scientific Interpretation

According to experts, gout is associated with a range of health factors that are becoming more common with age.

Experts point out that the human body produces pigs, and when the human body produces psoriasis, it increases the risk of gout, diabetes, high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease and hypercholesterol In humans, the body converts porin into uric acid. As uric acid increases in the body, gout occurs. This condition is called increasing the concentration of uric acid in the blood. Patients with gout should therefore stay clear of high purine foods.

A simple blood test can detect high levels of uric acid in the body, but that does not necessarily mean gout. To diagnose gout, doctors take a blood sample from the big finger or affected joint and expose it under a microscope until confirmed

Forbidden and admitted to patients drops

Unlike some diseases recommended by doctors, gout is not treated this way. For example, spinach and asparagus contain relatively high levels of porin. As well as legumes such as lentils, beans and beans, which also contain a high proportion of porin.

The foods that should be avoided are grilled chicken, veal, liver and salami, as well as some types of fish such as salmon and anchovies, which are salted fish. Each 100 grams of these foods contain 360 milligrams of purine.

For patients with gout, there is also a wide range of foods with low purine concentration. One of these foods is pasta made from durum wheat semolina. Rice, potatoes and bread mixed with grain are all without porin. The same goes for carrots, tomatoes, apples, yogurt, cheese, cauliflower and mushrooms.

Alcohol is one of the drinks that increase the concentration of uric acid in the blood. Drop. Patients suffering from gout can take tea with various flavors such as herbal teas or fruits, which helps to eliminate the porosity of the body more quickly.

Prevention better than cure

Gout is a disease that causes severe pain in the body and joints. Avoid what could be caused or at least try to minimize what can help to bring up this problem. Doctors recommend reducing fat in food and exercise regularly and walking and cycling with the commitment of healthy foods without high salts and purines.


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