How to treat cholesterol with herbs Morning Arabic


2018-07-31 08:52:59

The body contains a specific cholesterol level in the blood and if this percentage increases, there are many problems in the body and this percentage is usually increased because from the consumption of certain foods, Cholesterol through the herbs.

Food cane very effective for the treatment and lowering of the level

(19659003) Scientific research has shown that sugarcane also benefits women in particular, especially after menopause because this age is one where women are more likely to have high cholesterol.

2 – Artichoke:

Artichoke is known in our Arab countries as the spiny ground is considered artichoke leaves of herbs that help the metabolism and works to clean the arteries and blood vessels Cholesterol harmful in the body and this reduces the incidence of heart disease.

3 – Green Tea: 19459007

Green tea is a substance rich in natural antioxidants that has proven effective in the elimination and treatment of many diseases, in addition to reducing the rate of harmful cholesterol in the blood. We will find that all diets are designed to lose weight.

4- The Ring:

The ring herb acts to reduce the amount of harmful cholesterol in the blood because the ring absorbs the excess of fat in the body and in the intestine. Food eaten.


Garlic herbs that have a magical effect on lowering blood lipids as well as on preventing blood clots, scientific studies have shown that garlic It improves Circulatory circulation and reduces cholesterol and triglycerides, thus relieving high blood pressure.

6. [cannelle]:

Cinnamon is one of the best known herbs in the reduction and treatment of harmful cholesterol in the diet. From him on saliva every day.

7. Coriander:

Numerous studies and scientific research have shown that coriander seeds help reduce harmful cholesterol levels in the body and triglycerides. This is useful for the treatment of diabetes.

8. Beet: 19459007

Beet contains a large amount of soluble dietary fiber and helps reduce oxidation and bad cholesterol in the body and prevent its accumulation on the arterial wall.

9. Mint:

Mint is a plant-friendly digestive system as it helps to improve the functions of the digestive system and increases the secretion of saliva and thus increases the secretion of digestive enzymes in the stomach, useful herbs for the digestive system. people suffering from hypercholesterolemia.

10- Chili:

Peppers are added to foods because they give them a distinctive taste and are also drugs that treat many diseases and have the ability to reduce the level. Triglycerides in the body

Chili contains alkaline constituents and capsaicin compounds, which act to lower triglycerides in the blood.

11. Hawthorn:

Wild hawthorn relies on the digestion of nutrients that improve the function of the heart by opening the coronary arteries and thereby improving the circulation of blood and oxygen in the heart. It also reduces harmful cholesterol in the blood.

Flax seeds contain a high percentage of fibers responsible for lowering harmful cholesterol levels in the blood and relieve the symptoms of constipation and regulates defecation.

Flaxseed: ]

13. Red yeast yeast:

Red rice yeast inhibits the major liver enzyme responsible for cholesterol production harmful in the body in the blood vessels.

On: July 31, 2018, corresponding to November 18, 1439
for 26 minutes, 43 seconds

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