There can be no cause or source of internal bleeding in the body, even in case of trauma, internal bleeding may not be immediately apparent and a thorough examination is required.
Signs and symptoms of internal bleeding include: verywellhealth"Circumcision, pain, shortness of breath, heart rate, these symptoms may appear no matter where the bleeding occurs, but there are a number of other symptoms that can occur at the site of bleeding.They may include complications of bleeding. trauma related to internal bleeding and eventually tissue death.

Causes of internal bleeding
Causes of internal bleeding
Some of the causes of internal bleeding include:
1. Shock exposure:
In many cases, the trauma causes internal bleeding when it enters the body or as a result of an accident. Some types of arm or leg fractures can cause internal bleeding due to rupture of blood vessels and other tissues.
2- Expansion of the blood vessels:
The inflammation of the blood vessels can cause rupture, sometimes during rest or even during sleep, which can dilate anywhere in the body, including the blood vessels of the brain, the aorta thoracic and ventral aorta.
3. Coagulation disorders in the body:
Hemorrhagic disorders can cause internal bleeding or increase the risk of internal bleeding when they are associated with other known causes, including hemophilia, from birth, while some mild bleeding disorders may not occur. not happen before puberty.

Symptoms of internal bleeding
Symptoms of internal bleeding
Vertigo: result of a significant and rapid blood loss.
Pain: A common symptom of internal bleeding, such as severe abdominal pain or severe headache in certain parts of the body, and pain may be localized in the area of bleeding.
Shortness of breath: Inability to breathe with blood loss due to lack of red blood cells and hemoglobin that rolls to carry oxygen to the tissues.
Chest or shoulder pain: Due to lack of oxygen, it is connected to the coronary arteries that feed the heart.
Tingling in hands or feet: In case of blood loss, the body "squeezes" blood flow to the extremities and redirects blood flow to vital structures such as the heart and brain.
Changes in vision and nervousness: Visual changes may be specific, such as double vision, weakness or numbness of one side of the body, or severe headache.
Nausea or vomiting: due to blood loss, especially when bleeding occurs in the digestive system or brain.
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