Immune and chemical vaccine that eliminates skin cancer


A new cancer vaccine, containing immunosuppressive and chemical drugs, has been shown to be 100% successful in the treatment of skin cancer in mice.
"This joint vaccine has produced a comprehensive therapeutic response to the elimination of skin cancer," said Dale Boggs, a researcher at the Scripps Research Institute in California. He explained that the vaccine causes the body to fight the external factors responsible for the disease and causes the immune system to follow the tumor.
Researchers at Scripps and the Southwestern Medical Center at the University of Texas at the University of Texas have tested the vaccine for nearly 100,000 compounds in search of a vaccine that could help them promote cancer prevention. They discovered a chemical called diprofokym, associated with immunity in humans and mice.
The next step was to test how this compound could help treat tumors. The researchers used a group of mice that were very sensitive to skin cancer. The experiment lasted 54 days and the response rate of the new vaccine group was 100%.
The vaccine works by stimulating the immune system to make special cells to fight leukocytes that infiltrate the tumor, the researchers said.

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