In six hours .. How to separate the surgeons members in Australia? -10-11-2018 – In six hours .. How did the surgeons separate twins in Australia?


Australian surgeons were able to secrete twins from the Kingdom of Bhutan after a six-hour operation, after which the two children Nima and Dawa Belden, aged 15 months, were joined by the trunk and had a liver. The doctors managed to divide the twins' liver, but they discovered after the start of the operation that each of the children had separate intestines.

The mother took the twins to Melbourne Australia last month, but the doctors postponed the surgery until Friday to meet the nutritional needs of the children.

"Both girls are in good shape," said Joe Karamri, who led the team of surgeons during the successful twinning operation, explaining that it was a great "joy" when he told the operation to Bhumuchu Zhangmo, the mother of two children, and expressed his "deep gratitude" for what he had done.

The operation mobilized 18 specialists divided into two teams (one for each child) during the operation at the Royal Melbourne Children's Hospital. The phenomenon of Siamese twins is rare. Statistics show that every two hundred thousand births take place, and between 40 and 60% These cases of abortion.

Every year, there are very few matchmaking operations around the world: from birth to the success of the separation process, Nima and Dawah could not sit at the same time and they presented themselves one by one.

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