Increasing concern over increased tracking of requests …


Tracking and tracking capabilities in mobile apps have become a concern for users, many worry about the ability of these apps to track them, track what they do or share their data. But Kaspersky Lab's security experts said these risks could easily be avoided by taking some simple security measures.
Mobile users are increasingly concerned about monitoring their business, tracking their movements and the Internet. Kaspersky Lab has found that 58% of UAE residents, for example, are not comfortable with websites and apps sharing location information, a significant increase from 42% in 2016. [(56%)areveryconcernedthateventhoughtheymaybedoingsoontheircomputerevenafterthesame(55%)ofusersarepointingoutthatsomeoneusingtheGeographicallybasedinformationontheirportabledevices
Experts have found that Kaspersky Lab The possibilities of these applications are not limited to only one. access to a huge amount of data (such as important details about the location of users, contact information, activities, etc.), but extend to the back of the 39; device. Which makes these fears justified. According to the study, 83% of Android apps have access to user-sensitive data and 96% of Android apps can run without the user's consent. However, the domain remains available to avoid problems related to these access capabilities, provided that simple and effective security measures are taken.

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