Information on fish parasitic species


<img itemprop = "image" src = "" alt = "You may have heard talk about bacteria in fish that can cause food poisoning within two days of consuming contaminated seafood, but there are more reasons you should be careful about the fish you eat, and some may harbor bad parasites that can make you very sick, destroy the tissues, transform nutrients, lead to secondary infection.If the effects are often similar to food poisoning, some parasites can migrate to the organs, Where it is

The fish you catch According to Christina Merles DeWitt, director of marine research at the Oregon State University's Research and Education Center, fish sold in American markets ins can also contain visible parasites. These methods are not always guaranteed despite the types of pests you should know and observe, in addition to tips for your hunting.

1. Flocci: The flukes are the most dangerous parasites, Many species of these organisms, while b The bite simply causes abdominal discomfort and diarrhea, others may migrate to other organs including the lungs, heart, central nervous system and liver, causing severe infections and many complications and, in the worst case, death. Ribit: Must, tapeworms exist in cold climates in North America and Europe, and can live and grow in us for a while. 20 feet long, it's long enough to get out of the anus The infected person, who lives in the muscles of trout, salmon, pike, pine, northern pike and bar, is generally swallowed when the larvae are too small to be observed with the naked eye and pinned on the small intestine.

Most people have no symptoms of tapeworm infection, although they may eventually lead to weight loss, vitamin B12 deficiency, anemia, nausea, vomiting, weakness, dizziness, diarrhea and abdominal swelling. Because cold smoking, bleaching and stripping may not be

3. Freshwater Fish Parasites: Fish caught in local rivers and streams are also obvious signs of parasites, lymphosarcoma, a parasite (19659003) 4. The most vulnerable fish: While not all fish species are exposed to pests, including fish, bacon, cod, flounder, hamburger, halibut, herring, mackerel, block, and lemon, trout, snapper and tuna , among others.

There are usually more parasites in fish caught in the wild, but fish farms can better control their environment to prevent pests.

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