Innovate a way to give up insulin injections for a year


The health

Innovate a way to give up insulin injections for a year


Simon Katzer / http: //

A new way to abandon the use of insulin

Diabetics will probably give up daily insulin injections through the creation of Dutch scientists who offer a new way to help maintain normal blood sugar levels.

Dutch scientists have made a breakthrough discovery by inventing a method that lasts only an hour, after which the diabetic will no longer use insulin injections within months.

The test results showed that this period could last up to one year. But this method is not very practical because it requires the ingestion of a rubber hose, at the end of which a special pumping ball is filled with warm water.

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When this pipe reaches the small intestine (responsible for the absorption of nutrients), hot water is pumped into the balloon attached to the end to burn the lining. After a week of this process, a new mucous membrane develops in the combustion site, giving amazing results that last a long time to maintain a moderate level of blood sugar.

In order to ensure that these results are definitive, this method will be tested on a large number of volunteers, the number of patients having suffered only 50 people remaining at 90%.

Source: Rambler

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