Instagram offers an up-to-date service that can satisfy users


  Instagram offers an updated service that can satisfy the users
Instagram offers an updated service that can satisfy the users
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Facebook of did not could not get peace with Instagrammers They appear active every time. On the other hand, they introduced the timestamp feature a few months ago, which appears in the DMs when the latter is active on the platform. But that was not enough Facebook added new green dots to Instagram to indicate when you are online. (Yes, as on Messenger)

These green dots will appear in instant Instagram messages, as well as in the list of friends that appears when you share a message with someone or you are redirecting a story.

Instagram His blog You will be able to see the active status of the people you follow or have spoken in your posts direct. So, even if you do not follow them, but if you accept a stranger on the DM, you will see when they last accessed on the Internet.
  Ù ... Š Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø © © Copyright © 2006 Real Estate Consulting, Inc. All rights reserved. Fortunately, Instagram allows you to disable the green status indicator. To do this, go to Activity Status in the application settings menu, by default.

If your application is not in automatic update mode, you will need to manually access the application and update it. You can see the new feature. It seems that the feature has been deployed to all users of Android and iOS.

Until now, guide both Instagram when you are connected to a green dot and the last time you are active with its Active Status function. For people who do not know it, you can also disable the active status of the settings by scrolling down an option called "Activity Status" in your application's configuration.

The rule itself applies to these features, like what we see on WhatsApp if you turn off your active status and your green dot, you will not be able to see the status of other people. 19659020] Source: Professional

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