July 27 .. Observe the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century


  July 27 .. Observe the longest lunar eclipse in the 21st century
July 27th. Observe the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century

July 27th. Observe the longest lunar eclipse of the 21st century

A rare astronomical event will take place on July 27th. It is a lunar eclipse that will remain for an exceptional period to make it the longest lunar eclipse of the century.

The eclipse occurs when the earth blocks the sun from the moon when it occurs in a straight line between the sun and the moon.

The current eclipse will manifest itself by the appearance of the so-called "bloody moon", a phenomenon caused by the lack of sunlight reaching the moon because of the objection of the Earth. It is expected that the inhabitants of the Middle East and the majority of Africans can see this eclipse to the naked eye for a relatively long time.

The current eclipse continues in full for 103 minutes and should start at 20:30 GMT and end at 22:13, and will be the climax of the eclipse at 21:22 GMT.

The partial eclipse should last for hours, be visible across the globe at night and be visible to the naked eye.

The longest lunar eclipse of the 20th century took place on July 16, 2000 and lasted one hour, 46 minutes and 40 seconds. [19690001]

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