Ketonic diet .. definition, benefits and damages


A new diet called ketogenic diet, which is considered weight loss, has recently spread.

This system sparked a great debate among nutritionists, and divided between supporters and opponents. German dietician Georg Fexler explained that the kitone diet is based on reducing carbohydrates and increasing fats, reducing the amount of carbohydrates, bread, pasta and fruit, to 20 to 50 grams per day , while increasing the eggs, cheese, sausages and cream.

Margaret Murlo, a German nutritionist, explains that a low-carb diet helps to lose weight in the following way: Carbohydrates being the main source of energy in the body, reduce them to the search for & # 39; 39, other sources. Energy, namely In the fat, the fat burning diet does not increase weight by eliminating carbohydrates.

That the high proportion of protein and vegetables in this diet helps to lose weight.

In this diet, fat is first burned more than any other harsh diet, but feels that this system is controversial for lack of balance on the one hand, and potential side effects of 39, elsewhere.

The expert advises those who are concerned With weight gain, whether it is mild or severe, consult a dietician before the diet.

Vixler shares the opinion, highlighting the need to follow the diet under strict medical supervision because the high-fat diet can result in deposits in the blood vessels, which in turn increases the risk of heart attacks and accidents cerebrovascular diseases.

The ketone diet also causes the increase of uric acid in the body, which increases the risk of gout.

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