"Killer Kiss" puts an end to the life of an 8 day old baby – Al-Manar TV Site – Lebanon


An American mother lost her baby for 8 days because of a deadly virus, which was probably transmitted to her by a kiss on the cheek, carrying the virus, which resulted in her death.

The incident prompted mother Abigail Rose of Maryland, United States, to warn mothers through a Facebook account publication of the May incident.

The mother stated that her daughter, Aliza Rose, died just eight days after her birth, after being infected with the "Herpes" virus, transmitted by an infection transmitted by one of those who had accepted or touched directly the virus. Fox News reported on Friday.

The herpes virus causes ulcers and blisters in the mouth, eyes and lips, and this condition can degenerate into death because the infant's immune system is often incomplete. Symptoms of the virus include low fever and malnutrition with small blisters. Will soon be exacerbated by severe fever, fainting and death.

The mother called for "saving children's lives" by washing her hands before touching them and not kissing them.

The patient needs urgent medical attention and antiviral medication for 21 days.

The herpes virus is spread through direct contact with an infected person and can be transmitted by someone with blisters on the skin, the New York State Department of Health said.

Source: News from the sky

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