Latest News – British Committee: "Genetically Modified Embryos" May Be Morally Authorized …


The use of genetic modification technology to alter the DNA of human embryos may be legally permitted

if there is a careful examination of science and its impact on the company, said Tuesday a British committee on ethics.

Experts from the British Council of Biofuels Bioethics have stated that the law should not be amended at this stage to allow the modification of the human genome to correct genetic defects in embryos, but future legislation can not be ruled out.

The Council urged scientists and ethics experts from the United States, China, Europe and others to participate as early as possible in a public dialogue on the meaning of the modification of the human genome.

The Council stated in a report that the possibilities offered by genetic modification tools may represent a "revolutionary new approach to reproductive options" that could have significant implications for the individual and society.

"We must act now to support public debate and use appropriate governance."

Genome modification techniques offer the potential for intentional change of a particular DNA sequence in any living cell.

can theoretically be used in medically assisted reproduction to alter the fetal DNA before being transferred to the mother's uterus.

UK law currently prohibits these techniques, but the panel of experts suggests that they could become available over time for parents wishing to change the genetic characteristics of their next child, for example "an amendment to remove "an inherited disease.

The Commission's report indicated that if this occurs, a series of steps must be taken to ensure that genome modification processes are ethically acceptable.

Genetic modification techniques in human reproduction should be subject to two universal principles to be morally acceptable: the goal is to ensure a healthy and safe life for the expected child and not to aggravate discrimination nor divide society

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