Latest technological news Today's study reveals new health benefits added to pineapple fruits


Study reveals new health benefits added to pineapple fruit

22:04 pm Tuesday, July 17, 2018


Spanish researchers announced a new benefit for tropical fruits. Scientists have said that pineapple helps heal burns. "The pineapple contains bromelain, which is an effective anti-scalding substance and helps protect the affected skin from inflammation," said Miguel Serve University staff from Zaragoza.

Drugs containing bromelain were submitted to clinical trials and concluded that they were sufficiently effective. Thanks to the medicine of pineapple, the skin is very quickly cured and there is virtually no trace of burning on the skin, according to the scientific site "Believe in Science".

Until now, doctors have had to completely remove burned areas, but with pineapple medicines this can be avoided in the future.

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