Learn how to manage asthma attacks


Learn to cope with asthma attacks The network of knights, citing the morning of the Arabic published, knows how to cope with asthma attacks, knows how to cope with asthma attacks we send you our visitors. Asthma attacks.

The asthma attacks of Feral Knights can be fatal for those who suffer from this respiratory illness, making it important to know how to cope with these seizures.

Melinda Rathkopf, a specialist at the Center for Allergy, Asthma and Immunology in Alaska, explains that symptoms of sudden asthma attacks include difficulty breathing, coughing, increased mucus, feeling of pressure in the thoracic area, or even speech difficulties, as well as blue discoloration of the lips and fingers due to lack of oxygen.

One of the causes of allergic asthma, the spread of pollen in the atmosphere at certain seasons, mold and dust, flying hairs of animals such as cats and increased respiratory infections risk of seizures asthma.

The smell of cigarettes and fragrances, psychological pressure, cold air, vigorous exercise are also exacerbated by the symptoms of asthma.

Healthcare offers a range of advice based on the opinions of specialists and physicians to deal with asthma and seizures:

If you know the triggers for your asthma attack, move away immediately. If, for example, you enter a house with a cat and you feel short of breath, leave quickly or cover your mouth with a windshield.

2. Know what to do in case of an asthma attack in the opinion of your doctor and always take your medications for this purpose.

3. Always wear your inhaler even if you do not have an asthma attack, given the importance of these inhalers in rapidly expanding airways.

4 – Try to calm down as much as possible and breathe slowly during the crisis, Vdzk will make the situation worse and will not help you treat your illness.

5. Get medical help When you feel that your condition is bad and you need medical attention, the person with asthma has the best chance of adapting it. Try the sprayer once and repeat. If this is not feasible, urgent medical assistance is needed.

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Source: Arab morning

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