Learn how to treat sleep and stomach disorders


Digestive Disorders

If your stomach is sensitive, avoid fatty foods, especially sweets, meat and fats … The stomach will have difficulty digesting these foods, resulting in nausea, heaviness , fatigue and headaches. To remedy this discomfort, simply put two fingers deep in the throat to expel the air accumulated in the digestive system, without causing nausea.

Sleep Disorders

We have heard repeatedly that sleepwalking requires certain conditions, such as not doing intense physical exertion just before bedtime and not eating a very heavy meal late. .. But new studies have also shown that cherry juice is amazing for improving sleep because it increases the level of melatonin secreted at night, and thus stimulates the rhythm of good sleep. And do not forget that the bed on which you sleep is also very important, so make sure the mattress is healthy and of good quality.

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