Learn more about the extent of breast cancer in the Arab world


Breast cancer in Lebanon

The Global Fund for Cancer Research in the UK ranks sixth in the world for breast cancer cases. According to UNFPA statistics for the year 2018, out of 100,000 women in Lebanon, about 97 women have breast cancer.

According to statistics, Lebanon ranked sixth (97), Belgium ranked first (113 out of 100,000), Luxembourg (109), the Netherlands (105), France (99) and Group of islands Caledonia of the fifth France (98 cases).

The National Cancer Registry at the Lebanese Ministry of Public Health indicates that the incidence of breast cancer among Lebanese women has steadily increased, reporting 2473 cases of breast cancer in 2015 compared to 1993 in 2010 and of About 1,300 in 2003. The incidence rate of breast cancer has reached 36.6 percent of all cancers affecting women and 20 percent of all cancers in Lebanon.

The development of treatment helps in the treatment of tumors (Twitter)

Breast cancer in Syria

According to statements released this year by the Syrian health authorities, breast cancer appears to top the list of cancers affecting women by 30%, according to a statement from the Ministry of Health. The Medical Association pointed out that about 40,000 Syrians, the vast majority of whom were women, had breast cancer in 2014.

Breast cancer in Jordan

The annual statistical report for 2015 published by the Jordanian Ministry of Health indicated that the number of cancer cases in general was 5013 cases in 2012 and that the proportion of Jordanian women infected was 53.2%. Breast cancer is in first place, according to the association "Solidarity" of Jordanian women with 994 registered cases.

Breast cancer in Egypt

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer among women in Egypt, one in 12 women diagnosed with breast cancer.

Breast cancer in Iraq

The Iraqi Ministry of Health revealed that the cancer incidence rate was 18,000 injuries per year and that most of them were breast cancers.

Pink October logo to support breast cancer patients (Twitter)

Breast cancer in the Arab Maghreb countries

More than 20,000 cases of cancer have been reported in Tunisia, according to reports from the Tunisian Breast Cancer Society. Breast cancer kills more than 2,200 women a year and the number of victims is expected to increase in 2020 to more than 3,700 deaths, according to some estimates.

In Morocco, a report from the International Agency for Research on Cancer of the World Health Organization published in 2018, indicates that 139 out of every 100,000 people are suffering from cancer in Morocco, making it the 145th in the world for the number of people infected. According to the report, 10,136 women were diagnosed with breast cancer.

In a report published in 2017 by the Algerian Institute of Public Health, Algeria counts 11 thousand cases of breast cancer a year.

Early detection extends the life of the cancer patient (Twitter)

Breast cancer in the Gulf countries

According to UN data, the risk of breast cancer is 43 cases per 100,000 women in Qatar.
According to United Nations data, about 26 women out of every 100,000 women have breast cancer in Oman.
In Kuwait, breast cancer is diagnosed every year in more than 400 women, according to Kuwaiti media and medical sources.
In Saudi Arabia, Ministry of Health figures indicate that 19.1% of cancer cases were breast cancer in 2013. Eastern Province is the first country in the Kingdom with the number of infected women, especially during the fifth decade of life. The numbers also indicate that the number of infected cases has reached 2741.
In Bahrain, a consultant in oncology and oncology and a colleague of the Royal College of Surgeons of Nur Farid Khalifa specialized hospital revealed in statements to the press that the number of cases of breast cancer in Bahrain reached about 400 cases per year.
In the United Arab Emirates, a national cancer registry report found that 3,816 cancer cases were discovered in 2014. The number of cancer deaths reported was about 758 deaths, including 81 breast cancers within the same year. The report confirmed that the incidence of terminal breast cancer in women had decreased from 64% to 16% over the past seven years.

Facts around the world

Data from the Maurer Foundation, which focuses on breast cancer, indicates that the disease has spread in recent years due to several factors, including hormonal changes, a failing health system, large amounts of alcohol and genetic factors. Facts about breast cancer:
Between 1980 and 1987, the incidence of breast cancer increased through disease detection and increased use of radiography.
Between 2002 and 2003, breast cancer rates decreased by 7% worldwide.
Between 1970 and 2013, survival rates for women aged 5 and over increased.
Between 2003 and 2009, infection rates fell by 3% per year among women under 50 and by 2% per year among women over 50 years of age.

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