Learn more about the list of banned electronic games in Saudi Arabia


The Saudi Audiovisual Media Authority has published a list of banned electronic games of circulation and sale in the Kingdom

The TRA said in a statement that the new list included 47 different games, but n & # 39; 39 did not specify the reason for this update. 19659002] The new list of prohibited games in Saudi Arabia came after the third suicide of children due to the "digital game".

The games included in the new list are:

Mayhem Agents -1

Assassins Creed 2 -2 [

Dattle's Inferno-6

Dead Rising 3 Apocalypse Edition -7


Deception IV: The Nightmare Pronounce -9

Deus Ex Mankind Divided -10

-Devils Third12 -11

Dmc – Defiitive Edition -12

Dragon Age: Requests -13

Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen 14

Draw to Death -15

Dissidia Final Fantasy -16

Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage 2 -17

God of War 1 -18

God of War 2 – 19

God of War 3 -20

Grand Theft Auto V-21

Heavy Rain-22

(Hitman: Absolution) 2012- 23

Life is Strange -24

Mafia 2



Prison Break-27

Mafia 3 -26 [19659002]

Street Fighter V-36

Street Fighter 30th Anniv ersaire -37

The Order 1886 -38

The Saboteur -39

The Sorcerer 3 -40

The Nonaire Game -41


Vampyr-43 [19659002] Watchdogs -44

Wolfenstein 2-45

Wolfenstein: The New Order-

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