Lenovo Z5 Pro produces a chip to support the protection of phones with a sliding design – UAE News


Oud Al Hazm

Lenovo announces in a few days its new version of the Z5 Pro and monitors today more leaks regarding the design of the cursor in the phone and a slide to ensure the protection of the phone.

Lenovo announces in a few days its new version of the Z5 Pro and monitors today more leaks regarding the design of the cursor in the phone and a slide to ensure the protection of the phone.

aligncenter full-size wp-image-216821 "src =" data: image64; /uploads/Lenovo-Z5-Pro-slider-mechanism.jpg "width =" 315 "height =" 560 "data-lazy-srcset =" https://www.unlimit-tech.com/wp-content/uploads/ Lenovo-Z5-Pro-slider-mechanism.jpg 315w, https://www.unlimit-tech.com/wp-content/uploads/Lenovo-Z5-Pro-slider-mechanism-169x300.jpg 169w, https: // www.unlimit-tech.com/wp-content/uploads/Lenovo-Z5-Pro-slider-mechanism-28x50.jpg 28w "data-lazy-sizes =" (maximum width: 315 pixels), 100vw, 315 pixels

Lenovo will hold its next conference on November 1 to announce the Z5 Pro, which this year offers the cursor's design as an alternative to the top boom of the screen.

In the new leaks today has revealed the security chip that has been integrated into the next Lenovo Z5 Pro, with four cameras in the phone.

The design of the phone's slider must also be controlled manually, as in the case of the recently launched Mi Mix 3, but Lenovo is referring to Helix's mechanical system.

But the technology of the system should be better explained during the official announcement, and leaks indicate that the mechanical system of the cursor supports the user up to 300,000 times.

aligncenter full-size wp-image-216823 "src =" data: image64; /uploads/Lenovo-Z5-Pro-new-security-chip.jpg "width =" 315 "height =" 559 "data-lazy-srcset =" https://www.unlimit-tech.com/wp-content/ uploads / Lenovo-Z5-Pro-new-security-chip.jpg 315w, https://www.unlimit-tech.com/wp-content/uploads/Lenovo-Z5-Pro-new-security-chip-169x300.jpg 169w, https://www.unlimit-tech.com/wp-content/uploads/Lenovo-Z5-Pro-new-security-chip-28x50.jpg 28w "data-lazy-sizes =" (maximum width: 315 pixels )) 100vw, 315 pixels

In another detail, the Lenovo Z5 Pro has unveiled a new built-in security chip to support the security factor of the phone and supposed to mimic the Titan chip of Google.

The chip should support more effective data protection on the phone.This version also includes a built-in fingerprint sensor on the phone screen.

The Nokia Z5 Pro also has a dual setting for the rear camera and the front camera: the front camera is integrated into the sliding unit of the phone, equipped with a 25 megapixel sensor.

The Z5 Pro features a 6.22-inch AMOLED display and supports a Snapdragon 845 processor with 8GB random RAM and a 4000 mAh battery.

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