MacBook Air 2018 Offers Windows Devices a Golden Opportunity to Dominate the Market


MacBook Air 2018 Offers Windows Devices a Golden Opportunity to Dominate the Market

Date: 2018-11-06 00:02

Steve Jobs, the world of laptops, changed his mind 10 years ago, when he introduced the MacBook Air by taking it in a small envelope, a moment that shocked the public at the big Macworld 2008 event of Apple and has made major changes to the PC market.

Apple invented a thinner laptop than the one that was the finest available at that time. No other computer manufacturer had anything to compete with and it took years for the computer market to become a competitor.

The Apple MacBook Air, 10 years ago, ushered in a new era for laptops, but the company's update, unveiled earlier this week, shows Apple may be suffering in the field he previously ran, While the original MacBook Air dazzled the crowd 10 years ago, the model unveiled earlier this week is more an update than a revolution.

For the last 10 years, Windows laptops have been in a state of chaos, most of them plastic, with cards so irregular that PC users are used to bad experiences because of their slow battery. Some, like Adamo from Dell, managed to defeat the MacBook Air card. None of them has been able to defeat the whole of the ring for more than five years.

Having no revolutionary advantage in the latest versions of Apple laptops, competing Windows operating systems have a strong competition and control, especially with the price difference.

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