Massive cosmic rays heading towards Earth! (Video)


Opinion –

According to astronomers, a vast astral system releases cosmic rays into space that penetrate the Earth through intergalactic winds.

High energy observations in the South Carina group have puzzled scientists around the world. But NASA's orbital telescope helped identify the source of energy in ETA Carinai, a dual-star system about 7500 light-years from Earth.

We already know that the energy rays of more than a billion electrons are distributed in our system. Solar System In this regard, Kenji Hamaguchi, an astrophysicist at NASA, said, "We know that shockwaves from explosive stars can accelerate cosmic rays. "At the same speed as light, a tremendous increase in energy, similar processes must occur in other extreme environments, where our analysis suggests that ETA Kareenai is one of the worst. between them."

Conflicting winds that lead to the launch of cosmic rays, some of which are considered "We knew that the area around Eta Karenai is a vital source of high-energy X-rays, but the source was ambiguous until it reached its peak. NuSTAR can determine the source of the radiation, "said Fiona Harrison, NuSTAR telescope researcher. 19659002] mentions that NuStar was launched in orbit in 2012 and used to map selected areas of space. (19659009) (function (d, s, id) {var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName (s) [0]; if (d.getElementById (id)) returns; js = d. CreateElement (s); js. id = id; js.src = ""; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore (js, fjs); , 'Script', 'facebook-jssdk';); [ad_2]
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