Men Can Cure Influenza Faster Than Women


A recent British study confirms that men can recover faster than women when they have the flu. The study, conducted at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School in Britain, showed that the human body can produce a large amount of amperégoline, a protein that repairs tissues and contributes to the similarity of the lungs to the cure, according to the Newsweek website.

The experiment was conducted on a group of mice and certain human tissues in two stages: the mice were injected in the first stage with the H1N1 virus, a strain of influenza that caused the outbreak in 2009 and killed more than 18,000 people around the world.

The researchers found that male and female mice took roughly the same time to extract the virus from the body, but the difference between them was the elimination rate of male rats from the virus and an increase in the amperegrin production. Scientists also observed a marked reduction in female rats and severe pneumonia compared to males, and females took longer to recover normal lung function, according to the news site.

In the second phase of the study, published in the Journal of Biology of Sexual Differences, scientists injected virtual human lung cells that provide the first line of defense against bacteria and viruses of the virus of the flu. The researchers found a high rate of amperégoline, but only in the male samples.

In an interview with the same site, Professor Helen Stokes Lampard, President of the Royal College of Britain, explained: "These results are interesting and we quickly thought that regardless of the sex of the patient, people were suffering from They also recover at different rates, depending on a number of complex factors. "" This study will lead to the development of new drugs that promote the production of amperégoline and help cure the flu, especially for women, "said study author Sabra Klein at the Science Daily News. "The study shows that women suffer from slow tissue repair during the flu recovery period because of the low production of their amperegoline protein," said the professor of Microbiology and Immunology at the university.

Scientists are trying to find out why the male production of this type of protein helps speed healing, first thought that the reason is testosterone levels, but they concluded that this does not happen. had nothing to do with the production of amperegrine. Researchers are now studying the main factors that control the production of amperégoline during male influenza. And check the mechanism of the protective effect of testosterone, according to the US website for scientific news.

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