Microsoft brings the night mode to Outlook – UAE News


Microsoft brought the night mode feature to the Outlook Webmail service today, suggesting that this feature was brought to Outlook earlier …

Microsoft brought the night mode feature to Outlook Webmail service today She suggested bringing this feature to Outlook earlier this month, and had already provided the feature temporarily for Halloween celebrations last year.

Microsoft said that reducing the visual stress of users when using Outlook was one of the most important principles for designing night mode, adding that the company had been bringing this feature for a long time.

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Outlook night mode is one of the most popular features demand The company said that it redesigned the colors of the Halloween version several times before launching a permanent version today. Microsoft has also included a switch in the email folder so that it can disable night mode if it is difficult to read the messages.

The Outlook service is used by more than 400 million active users, Microsoft has recently launched a new design and several features Calendar and Contacts, and the new design will be launched today with the night mode.

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