Microsoft Corporation Announces Financial Results for First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2019


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Microsoft Technology Announces Huge Financial Returns for the First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2019 As We Strive to Keep Track of Our Site, Microsoft Technology Announces Huge Financial Returns for the First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2019 Microsoft Technology announces huge financial returns for the first quarter of fiscal 2019, as we search for the latest and most important information from all websites and news agencies. Microsoft Technology Announces Huge Financial Returns for the First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2019. Microsoft Technology Announces Huge Financial Returns for the First Quarter of Fiscal Year 2019. You Can So Follow the Evolution of l & # 39; news. .

Sunday, October 28, 2018 20:45 Microsoft Technology announced its financial results for the fourth quarter, which ended in September, the financial year of Microsoft Corp. ending in summer, the first of the new fiscal year 2019.

Microsoft achieved record revenues of $ 29.1 billion, an increase of 19%, operating income of $ 10 billion and an increase of 29%. Satya Nadella, chairman and CEO, said he was pleased with the results and said consumers trust Microsoft Technology to embrace their cloud and digital services to increase their chances of success.

Microsoft distributed $ 6 billion in dividends to shareholders in the last quarter.

Microsoft Technology announces financial revenue for the first quarter of fiscal year 2019, do not forget the admiration of the site's social networking pages to receive the latest news in political, economic, technical and sports from the economic site, announces Microsoft Technology. Announcement of a strong financial performance for the first quarter of fiscal 2019.

Source: Electronic

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