Multiple Causes of Middle East Hair Loss


The most important is heredity, hormonal changes and psychological state

Riyadh: Dr. Abeer Mubarak

Medical reports indicate that the complaint about hair loss is one of the main reasons for the examination by some doctors. This can affect hair loss, scalp hair or hairy areas of the body. This can be the result of heredity, hormonal changes, diseases, medications or mental status, or may not be known for a specific reason.

– Hair loss case

In women, hair loss from the scalp is a health problem with psychological effects. Hair loss is a problem when women are touched by large areas of the scalp or when the area falls below the rest of the surrounding area of ​​the scalp.

There are many known causes of hair loss, and there are also cases of hair loss that are not known. Hair loss can also be permanent and temporary, so that the hair resumes its growth after the disappearance of the causes of fall. In many cases, there are reasons why a treatment can be fixed to prevent this problem from continuing.

When the number of falling hair increases significantly, it is best to check with your doctor about hair loss, how to get it, and how to treat it.

To treat the problem of hair loss, it is important to understand what is normal and abnormal in growth and hair loss, in addition to understanding the reasons that can lead to hair loss, which can be treated at the same time. time.

There are several possible scenarios of hair loss, including observation by the woman that there is a gradual lightening of the upper part of the scalp. This scenario is what happens in most cases of hair loss. It is true that this type affects men and women in general with age, but in women, it seems to be in the form of a broad band of hair bands in the middle of the scalp, while men, it appears in the form of hair loss on both sides. In another scenario, circular spots of hair loss occur completely or partially, and a diameter of about 3 centimeters or less, in the scalp. This can affect men's facial hair, such as cheeks or eyebrows. The scenario is more dramatic: the hair falls quickly during combing or shampooing, without blotches of total baldness on the scalp. This is often linked to exposure to health problems or emotional emotion, or perhaps to a change in eating habits, and to providing the body with essential nutrients, minerals and vitamins. vitamins. There are other conditions in the skin where hair loss occurs.

– The most important reasons

Among the most important causes of hair loss that can be treated: hormonal disorders, emotional emotions, malnutrition, pregnancy, use of unhealthy preparations for hair or microbial infection.

There are different types of hormonal disorders that can cause temporary hair loss, including sex hormone disorders, such as the stages of pregnancy or breastfeeding, or the onset of menopause after menopause. For example, women are expected to lose their hair after delivery, especially during the first six months after birth; therefore, there is no need to worry, as this situation is likely to disappear automatically for most women after six months. First postpartum.

These are other hormonal disorders, thyroid disorders, such as increased thyroid activity or hypothyroidism. In case of thyroid disease, hair loss occurs in all areas of the scalp, that is, it does not affect a specific area. With the treatment of thyroid dysfunction, by compensating for thyroid hormone deficiency or by treating increased thyroid activity, the hair gradually begins to grow. Therefore, one of the hair loss tests is a blood test to determine the proportion of thyroid hormones in the body.

In case of anemia, especially anemia caused by a lack of iron supply, hair loss occurs in the scalp. By treating anemia, the hair regains progressive growth.

Immune system disorders can cause dark spots or dark circles of hair loss, such as cases of lupus, and other immune system disorders. This is also the case in the case of skin lesions of certain types of microbes, such as fungi, which can cause a temporary fall of hair and the reappearance of hair when treating the fungus responsible for hair loss.

Examining the types of medications that women take daily or as needed is one of the aspects of assessment of hair loss. There are many types of medications that affect hair growth and hence their fall, such as the drugs used in chemotherapy, the types of drugs for arthritis or the treatment of depression, heart disease or heart disease. # 39; hypertension.

– psychological effects

Medical sources indicate that the psychological state has an impact on the occurrence of cases of hair loss, such as psychological trauma at the time of abortion or psychological stress in a child, for example .

In addition, women's use of unhealthy hair care products or unhealthy care methods, such as dyeing, tinted hair removal, curly hair remover and curly hair, damages the hair structure. growth increases the risk of hair loss, especially excessive chemicals, prolonged placement before washing or simultaneous application of several procedures, such as dyeing and curling, dyeing and combing or l 39; daily use of a shampoo, Or strongly comb the hair and intensity in the model Hair tired.

There are relapses and diseases that can be accompanied by hyperthermia and inflammation, and can cause hair loss, but this hair loss is temporary and often disappears after a period not exceeding three months .

– Tips to prevent hair loss

> Medical sources remind us that there are several tips to prevent hair loss, the most important of which is to ensure good nutrition, to provide the body with proteins, minerals and vitamins that help hair growth, including eating fish, legumes, olive oil, nuts, vegetables, fresh fruit and milk. And dairy products. Avoid putting thick hair on the structure and the hairline, avoid rubbing the hair during drying or tightening it hard during combing, avoid curling irons or cutting treatments with a hot oil bath . Also be sure to wash the hair gently and not to clean the scalp with the nails during the shower, but with the fingertips.

Scientific facts about poetry

> There are many facts related to poetry and its growth, including:

– Human skin grows about 5 million hairs, of which only 100,000 to 150,000 grow on the skin of the scalp.

– The natural hair of the scalp contains between 50 and 100 hairs a day.

– The hair is essentially the growth of proteinuria which develops continuously and consists of three layers: the outer crust lasts and the crust less hard, and then inside the hair core.

– The hair begins to appear on the skin at an early stage of the fetus' age, especially at the age of two months. The first areas of hair appearance in the embryo, regardless of gender, are the eyebrows, the upper lip and the chin. Then, at the age of 4, the hair begins to appear on the skin of the rest of the body.

The difference between fetal and postpartum hairs is that the fetus's hairs do not contain the inner pulp layer, so the fetus's hair is soft and falls in phases in the postpartum, replacing with natural hair.

– The hair grows on all areas of the skin, with the exception of specific areas, namely the lips, the soles of the feet and the hands.

– Hair growth according to the different effects of several factors, such as different types of hormones and components of the diet, the psychological state, the extent of blood flow to the hair of the papilla and other factors. It should be noted that warm weather conditions accelerate the growth of hair other than the cold atmosphere. The haircut does not accelerate hair growth.

– Anatomically, the hairline is under the skin, in a bag called a follicle. The hair follicle is one of the components of the hair root, whose function is to produce the hair shaft that emerges from the skin.

– The growth of the hair of the hair follicle goes through different stages: the first is the growth phase, which continues to produce hair for about five years. Then comes the resting and stagnation stage, which can last for about three months, and stops hair growth. Then comes the fall phase during which the hair is separated from the body. Then, the hair follicle begins to produce another hair that goes through these three stages.

– 90% of the hairs of the scalp are in phase of growth and 10% in phase of rest and stagnation.

Hair loss is a very common condition and affects most people at some point in their lives, but hair loss caused by a broken leg is different from hair loss due to lower hair growth of the disc.

– Hair is a mine of information on human health, and the analysis of hair components allows to know the minerals and vitamins of the body and the drugs contained therein. However, there is no clear difference between the hair of the woman and that of the man.

– When the hair is healthy in its structure and strength, only one hair can support a weight of 100 grams, that is to say that the hair of the scalp can support a weight greater than two tons, the weight of two African elephants.

– Hair is the second fastest tissue that develops in the human body, that is, after the bone marrow tissue. The hair grows about a centimeter a month.

– There are 14 components of the capillary elements of different metals, most of them in very small quantities, one of which is made of gold metal. The main elements, in the highest order, are the components of a single hair: carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen and sulfur.

– Each hair on the human body has a nerve, a reserve of blood and a muscle of its own.

– Consultant in Internal Medicine

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