Nail bites threaten you with this inflammation


World – Misc

The dermatologist pointed out that inflammation of the nail is an inflammation of the edge of the nail, where the skin becomes swollen, red and painful. The Staphylococcus bacteria causes an abscess filled with pus requiring prompt care to prevent the development of abscess.

In mild cases, simply treat the inflammation of the edge of the nail with a cream rich in fat or petrolatum, and use a disinfectant after the release of pus. If the finger remains swollen and painful, consult your doctor immediately.

In severe cases, treatment is carried out using antifungal ointments.If the nail is not treated by medical treatment or by abscess, surgery can be used.

Severe inflammation should be treated promptly as the infection can spread to the salivary bone and part of the finger becomes necessary to prevent gangrene, a rare complication of inflammation around the fingernail .

To prevent inflammation, stop biting your nails and tearing the skin around your fingers. If small pieces of skin surround the nail, it is best to remove them with scissors.

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