"NASA": The future holidays will be in the space, and think of the line "public transport" to get out of the ground! | Cedar News


It is further away from the time when humans go to spend their vacations in space rather than going to the beach.

Ed Vaz Sees, aeronautical director of NASA, told Anatolia by videoconference, confirms that the interest in space has increased dramatically over the last ten years.

Sees, who participates in the space camp of the Turkish city of Izmir, believes that space will become – sooner or later – a vacation spot,

He pointed out that some companies are turning to the inflatable hotel industry, are placed in the s

Some of these companies are communicating with NASA by offering them to use the International Space Station and assigning units to establish tourists in the city. space.

"Public transport"!

He believed that any success in organizing far-flung flights in space, such as Mars, will not be long before, making them focus on projects to transport humans to orbit

Another idea in this area is the opening of public transport, used by those wishing to go to low Earth orbit. "A number of companies are already working to achieve this," said Mr. Sees.

He added that some companies in the United States are working to produce vehicles to transport humans to space, and pilot flights are expected to begin over several years.

As for the human journey to Mars, he said: Before 2040, because Mars is too far from Earth, and it will take a long time to know how to live on its surface.

He explained that research is now focused on how humans live long distances from Earth.

He added that the next step would be to live long on the moon, then work on the transfer of humans to Mars.

He noted that the March flight will take six months, then the adventurers will be able to stay two years on Mars, before going back on a six-month trip too.

The great dimension of Mars makes the dangers of traveling great, besides the ignorance of many things around him,

The article "NASA": the future vacations will be in the l […] space, and think of x "Public transport" to go to the outside of the earth! First appearance in Arabic Post – ArabicPost.net.

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