New leaks from the next Oppo A7 phone


Oud Al Hazm

The latest phone leaks recently released from the Oppo A7 reveal a slight difference in design compared to the Realme 2 phone. Previous leaks indicate that the Oppo A7 is no different from Realme 2 in its design, but new images are revealing variations in design today.

The latest published leaks from the Oppo A7 reveal a slight difference in design compared to Realme 2.

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Previous leaks indicate that the Oppo A7 is no different from Realme 2, but new images are revealing variations in design today.

The Oppo A7 should feature a pattern with the small protrusion above the screen, while the Realme 2 features a printed pattern with black and red colors, as well as a diamond blue and color screen. brilliant gold for the Oppo A7 with new leaks revealing Graze colors. Blue and shiny gold.

In addition, as the images show, Oppo offers a rear design with clear lines, in which it is intended to form a glass design interface at the back of the phone.

aligncenter size-full wp-image-217153 "src =" data: image64; /uploads/Oppo-A7-render.jpg "width =" 728 "height =" 551 "data-lazy-srcset =" render.jpg 728w, 300w, uploads / Oppo-A7-render-50x38.jpg 50w "data-lazy-sizes =" (max width: 728px) 100vw, 728px

The Oppo A7 phone complies with the specifications of the phone Realme 2, but the difference also lies in the Silvi camera of the Oppo A7, featuring a 16-megapixel camera instead of a camera. an 8 megapixel camera.

The Oppo A7 also comes with a 6.2 "display, with a fullview 720p and 18: 9 display. The phone also supports Gorilla Glass 3.

The Oppo A7 is powered by the Snapdragon 450 processor chip with 3GB of RAM, 32GB of storage or 4GB of RAM with 64GB of storage.

The camera's rear camera has a dual setting with a resolution of 13 and 2 megapixels, a 4230 mAh battery and the launch scheduled for November 13 at $ 230.

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