New leaks reveal the design of the new Google phone


New leaks reveal the design of the new Google phone News quotes the professional We are publishing new leaks reveal the design of the new Google phone, new leaks reveal the design of the new Google phone We are publishing our visitors News News Today thanks to our news magazine New leaks reveal the design of the new Google phone

  New leaks reveal the design of the new Google phone

Newspaper News Google is preparing in the coming period to launch the new generation Although there is no official information from the company on the new phones, recent leaks to design one of these phones put the followers in the picture.

The photos that have spread over the last few hours on the technical forums

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In addition, the Pixel 3 XL will keep the bump on the top of the screen, which appeared with the iPhone X, and should The new handset comes with 4GB of RAM and 64GB of memory Do not forget the work of IK for our Facebook page and follow the latest news on Twitter. Greetings from the Akhbarna newspaper's family site.
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