New strains of salmonella are unaffected by antibiotics


Brazilian scientists have discovered dozens of new salmonella strains that do not affect most of the antibiotics currently in use. "We have shown that a large number of work – resistant Salmonella strains of a large number of antibiotics are present in food and in the human body," says Fernanda Alameda of the US. University of Sao Paulo in an article in PLoS One. All this suggests that the risk of an outbreak caused by contaminated food is now very high in Brazil.
"There are dozens of strains of salmonella at the same time, as well as other antibiotic-resistant bacteria.Scientists believe that the risk of an epidemic is now so high that it exists there is a real risk that antimicrobial drugs will lose their effectiveness and that the drugs will go back to the times, "she said. Black.
During the years 1982-2013, a strain of Salmonella developed 40 genes resistant to an antibiotic or a combination of antibiotics. In other words, the most widespread bacteria in the world can suddenly declare themselves and it will be difficult to overcome them in practice. Scientists believe that hospitals and medical clinics that use antibiotics in large quantities are a major "incubator" for microbes and an active vector of infection.

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