News 24 A study linking zinc deficiency in pregnant women with autism in children


PhotoNEW YORK (Reuters Health) – According to a new study from Stanford University, a pregnant woman could be at risk for autism in her pregnant children, which increases the risk of autism. Scientists advise pregnant women to regularly take zinc supplements during pregnancy to prevent their fetus from becoming autistic.

Dr. Sally Kim, of the University's Faculty of Medicine, said that autism was associated with certain types of genes involved in the formation, maturity, and stabilization of synaptic points during the first few years. Stages of fetal development, noting that the results showed the association of zinc levels in nerve cells and autism The Daily Mail newspaper reported.

"To date, it has not been conclusively proven that lack of zinc in pregnant women inevitably causes the fetus to become autistic," said Craig Garner of the German Center for Neurology. We have yet to do further studies until these results are finally adopted. "

Zinc, present in meat, oysters, dairy products, bread and cereals, contributes to the manufacture of new cells and enzymes, the extraction of carbohydrates, fats and proteins from foods, as well as To healing wounds.

According to the British National Health Agency, most people consume enough zinc in food and should not take more than 25 mg of zinc supplements a day.

The study, published in the journal Frontiers of Molecular Neuroscience, revealed that zinc enters target neurons through the nerve junction and links two important types of proteins that alter the composition and function of neurons at the developmental stage.

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