News 24 Coffee .. Homs increases your protection against these diseases


PhotoCoffee is one of the favorite drinks in the world, and many see it as a way to renew body energy and increase concentration during work.

But what is unknown so far is that coffee helps protect the brain against dementia such as Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease.

The more coffee beans are roasted, the more effective they become, said a team of Canadian researchers in a recent study published in Frontiers in Neuroscience.

According to the German "Geo", contrary to previous assumptions, coffee presents more and more health benefits.

Researchers at the Canadian Kermell Research Institute in Toronto have recently discovered that coffee reduces the risk of dementia such as Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease.

This protective effect of coffee seems to be the result of special compounds formed during the roasting of coffee beans.

Surely you have already participated in the debate on whether coffee is healthy or harmful? This issue is also raised in the advice of academics and their conferences, which have been the subject of many studies in recent years.

In the past, coffee was considered a rather unhealthy drink, which was explained by the drying out of the body, which is refuted by recent studies in recent years.

In fact, the recent Canadian study shows that coffee is healthier than most people think, acting both as a sedative and as a stimulant.

Scientists believe that it prevents type 2 diabetes and heart disease, as reported by the website "Anne Franken" in German.

In addition, the latest study suggests that coffee can protect the brain against degenerative neurological diseases.

But hey: However, high coffee consumption can contribute to high temperature and thus increase stomach and reflux problems.

The team of Canadian researchers has shown that coffee consumption can be beneficial for brain health.

But how does this popular hot drink support cognitive function? The researchers found the basis of the protective mechanisms not in caffeine, but in the compounds released during the roasting of coffee beans.

"Coffee consumption seems to be associated with a reduction in the progression of Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease," said Dr. Donald Weaver, director of the Karbala Research Institute.

We wanted to study the cause of this and the substances that contribute to the impact of the decline of mental abilities. "

Researchers looked at coffee containing caffeine and toast, as well as decaffeinated coffee and coffee with slightly roasted caffeine.

The team found that the most roasted varieties – regardless of caffeine – had a stronger protective effect.

In several tests, a number of compounds, called "vinylendance", have been synthesized as being responsible for this positive protective effect.

These compounds form during roasting and give the coffee a bitter taste.

According to the researchers, roasted compounds in coffee guarantee the ability to bind the least toxic proteins to the brain, as transmitted by geo-German "Geo".

These proteins, called tau and beta-amyloid, act as shields in the brain and are considered pathogens such as Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease.

The research team also confirmed that roasting time was particularly responsible for the composition of the roasting compounds of these diseases.

It does not matter whether the coffee is decaffeinated or not.

Therefore, the most potent protective effect on the brain depends on dark roasting varieties.

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