News: Advantages of the fight against beet cancer


News: The benefits of beet to fight cancer, we always like to visit our distinguished information content to receive your satisfaction through our news site News News website, a website of Information was created in 2016 to provide comprehensive news content on the Arab and international scene. Many sources of reliable information, where we strive to follow all that is new on the political scene, technical and sports and other areas of interest for our readers to post on the site of the News site, the benefits of beet cancer,

Sunday 8 July 2018 07:05 pm News Beet is one of the foods that are used as healthy foods to protect the body against many diseases, such as the cancer, so that it is used by many doctors in the treatment of the so-called (radical chemotherapy through beet), because it has great effectiveness in the elimination of cancer and c & # 39; We will clarify.

Beef and its fight against cancer:
Beet is characterized by a reddish color and contains potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iodine and other nutrients various. All these ingredients and ingredients make beet A He was 50 years old and was suffering from lung cancer, and he was given beets for only six weeks. It was found that the tumor gradually disappeared until it reached the end of its life. that the man heals completely.

Many scientists have noticed that many foods only contain iron, that the body is unable to absorb iron: unlike iron present in beet, the body absorbs it more than others foods containing iron. Betaphene, an amino acid that has anti-cancer properties and acts against inflammation, also cleans the body of toxins, a food that protects the body against many types of cancer, especially leukemia. Beet is one of the healthy vegetables as we mentioned and because it contains antioxidants, drink beet juice and beet syrup is a very useful drink to protect the body against cancer, because antioxidants work to strengthen the device The immune system thus increases the body's ability to fight diseases.The beet juice is prepared very easily to put the beet in the electric mixer and beat it with a little bit of 39 water or carrots with celery.

Beet roots can be used in the most concentrated way because beets are available in many different forms because beet is probably the most popular and because it is found in most markets .The typical beet strain a day is 1 to 2 tablespoons of beet Add 8 ounces of water plus 8 ounces of fresh vegetable juice to those who are already suffering from cancer Keep in mind! mind that the beet juice powder has a stronger effect than the beet juice.

Risks and Precautions in Eating Beets:
Beet roots should not be overly stressed because these roots have the ability to act rapidly in the destruction of cancer cells, so cancer patients must be taken under the supervision of the doctor Because the beet leads to the elimination of toxins and must therefore be eliminated toxins from the colon and liver before eating the roots of concentrated beets to avoid health problems when the 39 Expulsion of waste or rapid collapse of waste. Its digestive system first brings its function is to eliminate unwanted toxins from entering the body and must resolve any neurological or psychological problems that exist before the ingestion of beets. The benefits of beet to fight cancer, we inform you of our dear visitors Ali Hassan, follow us, hope to be informed news with transparency and credibility, the benefits of beet cancer, and forget not follow us on the pages of our website

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