News: Benefits of beans filled for pregnancy


News: The benefits of beans for the pregnant woman, we always like to visit our distinguished information content to receive your satisfaction through our news site News News website, a site of Information was created in 2016 to provide comprehensive news content on the Arab and international scene. Many reliable sources of information, where we strive to follow all that is new on the political scene, technical and sports and other areas of interest for our readers to post on the site of news, the benefits of beans to the holder, hoping to get your satisfaction and trust us

Monday, July 23, 2018 1:05 News News The beans are full of the famous dishes of many Arab peoples and have proved the nutritional value that 39 it provides at all ages, but the latest studies are the presence of many important benefits if it is taken by pregnant women because it requires a lot of important elements of health and health of the fetus.

The Benefits of Beans for Pregnant Women:
Many researchers have discovered many benefits of thick beans if taken in pregnant women and is the most important of the following:

1 – In dried beans a large amount of iron Do not be exposed to health problems, the most important anemia.

2 – There are amino acids that nourish the nervous system and provide a distinct mood so as not to suffer from pregnant postpartum depression.

3 – Pregnant women need folic acid, which helps increase red blood cells and bone and bone marrow health, but thick beans provide the necessary proportions of 39, folic acid.

4 – significantly contributes to the activity of the bloodstream, which makes pregnant women do not feel tired and tired, but in better health.

5 – Protects women from the molasses bean from gestational sugar because it regulates blood sugar levels.

6 – Work to strengthen the immune system is less prone to disease and infection, especially since women at this stage are much weaker.

7. Help her avoid chronic constipation with the ease of urinating so as not to feel abdominal pain from below.

8. Those who suffer from high blood pressure during pregnancy are advised by the doctor to eat boiled beans because it helps lower blood pressure to normal levels.

9 – It is characterized by many protein materials important for the development of the child properly without diseases or defects or small size.

10 – In dried beans there are many important vitamins for the body during pregnancy.

11. Contributes to the protection of the teeth, bones and nails of the mother and fetus during growth.

12. Contains Vitamin C which is important for pregnant women to protect against infections and strengthen the immune system.

13 – provides reports of water in the body and prevents the feeling of acidity and nausea, which are the biggest suffering of pregnant women.

Warnings when consuming boiled beans:
1. It is best to consume substances containing vitamin C, such as drops of lemon or a few leaves of watercress, to facilitate the absorption of the necessary iron.

2. It is best not to put hot kernels in hot plastic bags as this makes them interact with the chemicals in these bags and affect the activity of the liver.

3 – Some believe that dry beans affect the level of concentration and abilities of the brain and it is indeed a misconception, but gives signals to the brain with alertness and concentration to adjust the mood from the human after eating.

4. Some people have hematopoietic disease, which is a genetic disease and a type of sensitivity to beans by the production of enzyme 6, which affects red blood cells and causes acute anemia, it is best to prevent the Ingestion of these individuals to completely diluted grains.

5 – There are some cases that suffer from hypothyroidism in the consumption of beans are completely abstained from eating.

6 – If a skin rash occurs while eating dry beans, stop eating with the doctor.

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