News: Gramasala components and their different benefits


News: Gramasala components and their various advantages, we are always eager to visit our distinguished information content to receive your satisfaction through our news website, a news site has been created in 2016 to provide comprehensive news content on the Arab and international arena. Many reliable sources of information, where we strive to follow all that is new on the political scene, technical and sports and other areas of interest for our readers to post on the site of the News News, Gramasala components and its various benefits,

Saturday, July 28, 2018 22:05 News News Gramasala is a blend of basic Indian spices, often used in recipes and Indian dishes, a mix of 39 spices such as coriander Cinnamon, mustard seeds, cloves, fennel, pepper and fenugreek This article discusses the health benefits of Grazala.

The homemade gramasala is better than those stored in the shops, and there is no complete recipe for gramsala, as the spices depend on your taste.

According to Ayurveda, these spices are called Gramasala, for their ability to heat the body, and you must provide the right kind and amount of food suitable for the ideal gastrointestinal temperature, this what does this mixture do?

Health Benefits of Gramasala Spices:
1- Improved Digestion:
Gramasala increases body temperature and thereby stimulates metabolism. This prevents slow digestion and accumulation of toxins in the body. These spices also stimulate the appetite and promote digestion. Cloves and Garamasala cumin help to prevent indigestion and acidity. The presence of pepper and cardamom in Gramasala helps to improve digestion. 2. Cholesterol and Blood Sugar: Some ingredients, such as clove, black pepper, cardamom and cinnamon, are known for their low levels of harmful cholesterol, but also for diabetes. type 2 By promoting heart health and preventing cancer, coriander has also helped reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

3. Prevention of Constipation: One of the health benefits of gramasala is that it helps to get rid of constipation because it helps to improve digestion, and thus works to expel the waste from the body. body in a timely manner.

4. Fighting Diabetes: Gramasala contains cinnamon that has beneficial effects on health. These spices have a strong ability to prevent diabetes and reduce blood sugar naturally in diabetic patients. In addition, the insulin hormone needed to maintain stable blood sugar levels will improve. 5. Fight against infections: Cumin is a component of these spices, which has anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, which help to improve digestion, increase metabolic rate, regulate heartbeat and increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

6. Metabolism: Gramasala components are rich in plant nutrients that help promote metabolism. Especially peppers, which is usually wonderful for boosting the body's metabolism. All ingredients are also responsible for improving the various functions of all body organs.

7. Fight Bad Breath and Strengthen Teeth: The eyelet and halva present at Gramasala are very effective in fighting bad breath. Clove is the best when it comes to dental problems as it reduces tooth decay and toothaches. The carnation is an excellent source of antioxidants and contains calcium, vitamins and omega-6 fatty acids.

8. Fight against aging: Gramasala has a strong ability to slow aging, thanks to ingredients such as cinnamon, pepper and cumin. Pepper, in particular, has powerful antioxidants, antibacterial properties and antibiotics that offer excellent anti-aging benefits.

Preparation of Gramasala powder at home:
– 1/4 cup of coriander seeds
– Two teaspoons of black pepper
– Two teaspoons of cloves

– 2 teaspoons of cardamom
– A teaspoon of fennel seeds
– 3-4 Forgetting a star
– Cinnamon sticks 1 inch
2 walnuts nutmeg. Preparation:
– Put all the previous ingredients in a frying pan and roast them for 5 minutes
– Pour then into the blender until it is finely ground
– Gramasala is ready for use. .

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