News: The benefits of garlic for nails


News: The benefits of garlic for nails, we always like to visit our distinguished information content to receive your satisfaction through our news site News News website, a website of 39; information was created in 2016 to provide comprehensive news content to present you Arab and international news From reliable sources of information, where we strive to follow all that is new on the news. political, technical and sports arena and other areas of interest for our readers to post on the news site News Online, the benefits of garlic for nails The benefits of the Garlic for nails

Tuesday, July 24, 2018 22:05 News Garlic is a type of herbaceous plant that breeds in a vegetative reproduction, where each pod grows from a new plant , and leaves a strip of green and belongs to the ornithory nk. Garlic has a lot of health benefits for various organs of the human body, and is used in the kitchen, and in the foot has been used in the treatment where it was used in the ancient Egyptian civilization and was discovered a number of His inscriptions on the walls of temples, in addition to some writings
Garlic has four species known worldwide:
– Chinese Garlic – Garlic Pepperoni – French Garlic

Garlic is composed of folic acid, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, fiber, carbohydrates, sugars, proteins, fats, thiamine, niacin, manganese, potassium, zinc, selenium, sodium, vitamin C, dairy compounds, squidene, lysine, calcium and riboflavin .
Garlic has a number of health benefits for the human body and the most important
– Garlic contains substances that reduce the production of Angiotensin, resulting in infection of the blood vessels and retention of water.

– contains a substance that stimulates the secretion of adenosine, strengthens the heart and supports it in the performance of its duties

– protects against strokes and platelet aggregation and reduces harmful cholesterol levels in the body

– Strengthens the immune system and helps fight diseases and works to rid the body of pain

– Helps to heal colds and respiratory diseases such as cough, Flu and Colds

– Treats Numerous Neurological Convulsions, Hysteria and Epilepsy

– Cures Skin from Burns, Ulcers, Injuries and Insect Bites

– Fortifies and Supports Bones

– Strengthens and helps the hair to grow well and increases its density and eliminates many hair problems such as dandruff and lice

– Helps to open the hair 39; app etit
] – Treats many disorders of the digestive system such as bloating and gas and helps facilitate the process of digestion of food (19659005) – used to treat and nourish skin problems
– treat certain respiratory diseases, eliminate gallstones, strengthen the bladder and strengthen the bladder and strengthen the urinary tract

The benefits of garlic for the nails:
– Promotes nails growth and strengthens them and gives them a beautiful and attractive appearance and works to protect nails from cracks or bombardments
] How to use garlic for nails: [19659011] – Prepare a clove of garlic and cut into two parts, then rub the · Cut the cloves of garlic · Cut several cloves of garlic, then fry them finely, then put in a tray nail polish, lais for 10 days, then use them daily

. Markets

Nail Care Methods:

_ Eat foods containing healthy nutrients rich in vitamins and minerals that help grow nails

– Practice certain activities that stimulate the arrival of blood to the nails. 19659013] – clean and hydrate continuously. [19

Causes of nail fracture:

Do not drink enough water

Anemia or anemia

Use of chemical cleaners

– Drinking enough d 39 water

(19659043) News: The benefits of garlic for nails, we inform you of our dear visitors Ali Hassan Follow us, hoping to be informed of the novelties with transparency and credibility, the benefits of l & # 39; 39, garlic for nails, do not forget to follow us on the pages Our social networking site brings you all the new political and economic news The benefits of garlic for nails.

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