Next Friday marks the longest lunar eclipse of the moon in a century


Next Friday marks the longest lunar eclipse of the moon in a century

Kuwaiti researcher and astronomer Adel Al Saadoun confirmed that next Friday will see the longest lunar eclipse of the moon in a century, when it is a desert where it enters the earth and changes color for Bronze [19659003] Saadoun explained in press releases, that the conditions of eclipse is the entrance of the moon in the shadow of the earth at 20.20 hours, not notice any change, and at 21: 24, begins to enter the earth and partial eclipse;

"At 22:30, the total eclipse of the moon occurs, and its color becomes partially bronze," At 2300 hours, the moon begins to emerge from the earth, and becomes a partial eclipse, until That it is completely out of the shadow of the earth, and enter the earth's shadow to look at the normal form, and the duration of the hour and time eclipse 43 minutes, to be the longest lunar eclipse of the last 83 years.
