Omega-3 fatty acids in seafood help prolong life and health


NEW YORK (Reuters Health) – A new study suggests that people whose blood contains high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids will not be affected by their health. The authors of the study focused on what is known as healthy aging, or the number of years in which people live without disabilities or physical or psychological problems.

They examined data from 2,622 people aged 74 years and over between 1992 and 2015. Throughout the study, only 11% of participants had good health.

"We found that older adults with higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids than seafood probably have longer lives and better health," said Hedy Lay, head of research at the Friedman School of Nutrition Sciences at Boston Tufts University.

"These results corroborate current nutritional recommendations recommending more seafood," Lai said in an email. According to US nutrition guidelines, adults should consume about 225 grams of seafood each week. It means eating twice a week instead of meat, poultry or eggs. Omega-3 fatty acids are salmon, anchovies, herring, sardines and oysters.

The study found that people with high levels of omega-3 fatty acids had a risk of aging lower by 18 to 21%.

One possible explanation is that omega-3 fatty acids help regulate blood pressure, pulse and inflammation.

Previous studies have linked omega-3 fatty acids, reduced pulse disorders, reduced lipids in the blood, reduced risk of arterial blockage and blood pressure.


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