Omega 3 Surprise Does not Protect Our Hearts Al-Anba Journal


A new analytical study has shown that consumption of omega-3 fatty acids in dietary supplements was of little use in protecting against heart disease.

The study, published in the journal Cochrane Librari, revealed that researchers' intake of these supplements because they reduce triglyceride levels, but the disadvantage is they also reduce the levels of useful cholesterol.

The study found benefits of canola oil and nuts, especially in the prevention of arrhythmias, but Lee Huber Researchers in the study, nutritionist and researcher at Norwich College [19659002Forexampleif143peopleweretotakecanolaoilonlyonewouldavoidthehealthproblemshesaid

She explained that if a thousand people increased the amount of canola oil "One of them will only prevent death from heart disease or heart attack or heart attack."

The reason is that "omega-3 supplements reduce triglycerides and if doctors ask patients to take them, they should continue, but for us 3 will not protect our hearts. "

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