On the occasion of World Hepatitis Day … Causes and Treatments


d. Issa Abu Dayya

July 28 marks the International Day of Hepatitis, which aims to raise awareness about the disease, its prevention and its treatment.

This disease affects millions of people around the world, some of them in the short term. The immune system overcomes it a few weeks later.

While hepatitis A is short-lived and is commonly caused by HIV-contaminated foods and beverages (such as uncooked vegetables and fruits) or washed, drinking water and ice cubes), hepatitis B and C can cause chronic diseases. The viruses responsible for these two types of hepatitis B and C are transmitted to humans through exposure to blood or body fluids contaminated with the virus. This is usually done using unsterilized medical supplies or through unprotected sex. The risk of sexually transmitted infection (C) is much lower than the risk of hepatitis B transmission. These two viruses can also migrate from the infected mother to her child at birth.

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that more than 325 million people are infected with chronic hepatitis B or C in the world, every year because of the devastating effects of the disease on the human liver with multiple vital functions, and it is both unfortunate and disturbing that the number of new cases of hepatitis does not decrease as other diseases such as tuberculosis.

Weakness, exhaustion and yellowing of the skin and the part In addition, the patient often loses appetite and may have joint pain, fever, nausea and vomiting. The color of the urine in these patients often becomes very close.

While the immune system can defeat the hepatitis C virus, "he said," the immune system can overcome the hepatitis B virus, "in most cases, at a record speed, some people with B and C viruses fail to get rid of the virus, causing chronic inflammation of the liver that in some cases causes deterioration of liver function, leading to cirrhosis of the liver, Secret

Fortunately, modern medicine has been able to offer treatments that can today cure a large number of people infected with the hepatitis C virus, which has long been unable to cure. "has no definitive treatment so far, if it can cause chronic infection and defeat our immune system.

Hence the importance of prevention of this disease, and prevention of type A virus in Eating reliable foods and drinks And by sterilization and hygiene in the living and working places, especially if we are close to people with the disease.

Type B virus is avoided by avoiding the use of contaminated medical instruments, needles and safe sex. A highly effective A and B vaccine against the risk of bodily injury is usually administered at three spaced doses to ensure that the immune system is fully and permanently stimulated to prevent the disease. The type C virus currently does not have prophylaxis, and the best way to avoid it is to avoid needles and any device contaminated by the blood of a person infected with the virus .

Here we celebrate the day of the prevention of hepatitis. For today 's efforts to reduce the spread of this disease, which is present in many areas of our Earth. On this occasion, we can only highlight the urgent need to sensitize the community to the importance of taking preventive vaccines when needed and taking all precautionary measures to prevent infection. We conclude by reminding the reader of the importance of early diagnosis in clinical and laboratory settings, in order to receive timely and appropriate treatment. And every year you and your granddaughters in a thousand good and good.

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