OnePlus 6T is the second fastest Android device


Oud Al Hazm

After the OnePlus 6T phone announcement, the Chinese AnTuTu platform released a photo of the phone with amazing results, recording a total score of 298011 points, higher than the OnePlus 6 phone, at 289424 points although both phones have the same chip.

After the OnePlus 6T phone announcement, the Chinese AnTuTu platform released a photo of the phone with amazing results, recording a total score of 298011 points, higher than the OnePlus 6 phone, at 289424 points although both phones have the same chip.

Last month, the AnTuTu platform placed the OnePlus 6 phone in third place, just after Shawomi's ROG Phone Asus and Black Shark. But the OnePlus 6T seems to have made the most recent changes to this classification because it is the second after the ROG phone.

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However, these results were obtained after the first tests of the phone. We now have to wait to see how the Mate 20 will work with the new Kirin 980 chipset; the notes could be modified again in November.

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