Osteoporosis between good and bad


It is a silent disease in every sense of the word … Its symptoms remain invisible, which leads to the worsening of the situation with the passage of days until the disaster and bone fragmentation …

Osteoporosis means a decreased mineral density in the bones, resulting in unexplained fractures of the bones and vertebrae due to osteoporosis. This disease can be avoided or at least minimized by taking the appropriate steps … But opinions are many, even conflicting, in this area, so we do not know the good side of the mistake.

Vitamin D is essential for bone health
Yes, vitamin D is needed to stabilize calcium in bones, but the body needs sunlight to produce this vitamin. Therefore, sun exposure is necessary for one hour daily, with the use of UV protective creams

Milk derivatives prevent diseases
Yes, dairy derivatives are rich in calcium essential for bone health. We know perfectly well that bone density is formed before the age of 20. Therefore, it is recommended that all children and adolescents focus on calcium-rich foods to promote bone density as much as possible. After the age of 20, calcium supplements can be taken, as well as healthy foods containing enough calcium.

Sport does not strengthen the bones
Yes. Not all sports are useful for strengthening bones. The bone is a living tissue that is constantly renewed. This regeneration is stimulated if the bones are actively moving during exercise. This is what the exercises do for the feet to touch the ground (like walking, jogging, aerobics …) So, swimming or biking is not a good exercise to strengthen the bones

The hormonal treatment that women use during menopause helps to maintain bone mass. If there is a significant reduction in bone density, the doctor may prescribe many medications that help promote bone density. The doctor selects the drug based on each woman's medical history.

Osteoporosis can occur before age 40
. There are several types of osteoporosis, and the most common type is associated with aging. But there are also types of osteoporosis associated with certain genes in the body. In most cases, osteoporosis is diagnosed in young people after a fracture, or if routine tests are done because of a family history of osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis only affects women
Men are also at risk for this disease, although less than women. The main cause of osteoporosis is aging, and hormonal changes are added to postmenopausal women. As a result, women are more likely to have osteoporosis.

Osteoporosis causes pain
Decreased bone density does not cause pain, but the problem silently aggravates for several years. Osteoporosis is diagnosed only if there is a fracture of the wrist, thigh or vertebrae. An X-ray is needed to measure bone density to verify stratification.

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